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Michael Coffey Metal



This page is intended not only to be a showcase of my work, but also to provide a window into the many processes I utilize in order to create it. I began my journey into metalwork with blacksmithing, and over the past 15 years I have turned my eye towards many different techniques and many different materials. I have experience with forging, welding, casting, chasing & repoussé, raising, jeweler's bench skills, as well as traditional Japanese metalworking techniques including carving, inlay, and uchidashi. All of these techniques bring unique working qualities to an amazing medium.

I have arranged the categories of my work in a way I hope will be intuitive for navigation - separating them mainly by materials used.

For commissions / custom works, price inquiries, or any other questions, please clink on the CONACT link, located on the upper right hand side of the page. There you’ll find my email address, Instagram handle, Twitch channel link, and my Patreon page as well:

Thank you for visiting!
