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Knives, Blades, etc.

Knives, Blades, etc.

Descriptions for each piece are placed below the set of photos they belong to. Please email any questions, price inquiries, or commission requests to

This huge blade was made shortly after I returned from my appearance on Forged in Fire. I was very pleased with the piece I produced in the first two rounds and wanted to make another like it, so this was made with a similar method of construction in mind. The activity happening near the edge is not a hamon or the result of other heat treatment methods, but is actually the boundary of the three different steels used to make this piece. The center bar is 1095, the intermediate bars are 15n20, and the outer bars are mild steel, all forge welded together in a single stack.

Overall length - 19.25” Blade length: 15” Spine thickness: 5/16” at grip Grip length: 4.25”, dyed curly maple with bronze pins

This piece is sold as pictured with a 21” zip-up carrying case made by Ace Case, please email for price details.