Michael J. Coffey
This is a complimentary pair of drifts I made recently, they're what you drive through either a drilled or punched hole in a hammer head, axe head - really any metal object that needs a handle. The cross section of the drift will determine the size and shape of the eye (the part the handle goes through) in the tool you're making.
These two in particular are meant for wee little hammers like the kind used for a whole variety of fine work, including but not limited to: carving/engraving, inlay work, texturing, chasing & repousse, uchidashi, damascening/nunome zogan, and probably more I'm forgetting right now. The smaller of the two needs a little work, measuring with calipers showed that the dimensions aren't as close as I'd like them to be and I'm happier with the shapes of the larger one.